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Ministry of Science, Culture and Sports, Department of Public Libraries
The Fifth Jerusalem Conference on the Digitisation of Cultural Heritage
Maiersdorf Conference Center, at the Hebrew University, Mount Scopus Campus, Jerusalem (map).
Co-Chairs: Dov Winer and Dr. Susan Hazan
Wednesday, 12 November, 2008
Tentative Program
See also Tuesday, 11 November, 2008
Parallel Sessions |
Session 7 - Coping with Intellectual Property Rights and Access to Digitized Content.
Creative Commons: latest developments for Educational and Cutural Heritage Content
Prodromos Tsiavos, Oslo University, Information Systems Group, Department of Management London School of Economics and Political Science and Creative Commons, UK,
Giuliana De Francesco
Ministry for Cultural Heritage and Activities (Italy)
This guide is conceived for the use of cultural heritage institutions which are digitising cultural material and publishing it online, or are considering doing so. The objective of the document is to provide pragmatic, concise advice to cultural heritage institutions on the topic of intellectual property rights, as it impacts on digitisation projects.
Shopping for the right copyright protection?
Ethel Chait Stein, Master of Law, Specialising in Intellectual Property Law and Information Technologies
Parallel Sessions |
Session 8 - UNESCO Memory of the World / Welcoming Israel's Museums ATHENA
UNESCO's programme aiming at preservation and dissemination of valuable archive holdings and library collections worldwide
Daniel Bar-Elli, Secretary General, Israel National Commission for UNESCO
Welcoming the Israel Museums to ATHENA
Pier Giacomo Sola, Ministry for Cultural Heritage and Activities (Italy)
ATHENA is a new project from the MINERVA Cluster, ATHENA. This project focuses on museum contributions to the European Digital Library (EUROPEANA) that will be launched on November 2008. It is part of the last batch of projects approved in the framework of the eContentPlus program. Consortium lead by MiBAC, Ministry of Culture, Italy – Rossella Caffo.
Israel's Museums online
Israel's national museum project
Ram Shimony, EAS Ltd.
Parallel Sessions |
Session 9 - Building a Digital Library of National Heritage Music: the Case of the National Library of Israel - Part I
Chair: Dr. Gila Flam
Prof. Elhanan Adler, and Dr. Gila Flam, Senior Directors, National library of Israel
and Orly Simon, Head of IT Dept, The National Library of Israel
Challenges of conducting a preservation Project of the National Sound Archive of Israel
Dr. Stephen Horenstein
Composer and Musicologist - The Importance of Robust Sonal Archives for Music Creativity and Research
Mr. Dominique Theron
Project manager for Digitization programs, National Library.
France - “Best practice in digitisation of audio and video material at the Bibliothèque nationale de France”
Michael Fingerhut
IRCAM, France – "Preservation of and access to archives of music events"
Coffee break
Parallel Sessions
Session 9 - Building a Digital Library of National Heritage Music: the Case of the National Library of Israel - Part II
Chris Clark
Head of Selection & Documentation, Sound Archive. British Library, UK - "Making catalogue data work harder and integrating with user environments: documentation and resource development at the British Library Sound Archive"
Mr. Albrecht Haefner
Consultant for AV archives, Germany - “Fundamentals of Digital Mass Storage Systems for Large Audio Collections”
Parallel Sessions |
Session 10 - Does digital Jewish Cultural Heritage content have the potential to enhance Jewish Peoplehood?
Jewish Cultural Heritage content holders report on their projects and discuss the relevance for Jewish Peoplehood. Smadar Bar-Akiva, director of the World Council of Jewish Community Service will report the conclusions to the WJCC conference a week after EVA/MINERVA.
Chair: Prof. Elhanan Adler (TBC), Deputy director for Information Technologies, The Israel National Library
Prof. Elhanan Adler, The Digitisation program of the Israel National Library
Laurent Munnich, Directeur d'Akadem Multimedia
Akadem - Le campus numérique juif
RACHELNET : Toutes les Bibliothטques en ligne http://www.Rachelnet.org
Hadassah Assouline, Director, The Central Archives for the History of the Jewish People
Ariella Amar, Head of the Synagogues and Ritual Objects Section, The Center for Jewish Art at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Dr. Nurit Chemo, Content Director, International School for Jewish Peoplehood Studies,
Hayim Ghiuzelli, (see website)
Director of the Department of Internet and Databases
The Nahum Goldman Museum of the Jewish Diaspora.
Dr. Motti Friedman, upcoming Academic Director, The Central Zionist Archives.
Dov Winer and Dr Susan Hazan: Mapping European Jewish Cultural Heritage Collections in MICHAEL, the Multilingual Inventory of Cultural Heritage in Europe – a project of the European Association of Jewish Culture.
Parallel Sessions |
Session 11 - The Digital Film Library: Gaining Access to the Viewers of the Future in the Era of New Media EFG – European Film Gateway
Georg Eckes, Deutsches-Fiminstitut, EFG – European Film Gateway
The Forum for the Preservation of Audio and Video Heritage of Israel
Work in Progress Report: EFG – The European Film Gateway
Film Archives and Digital Libraries. Legal and Technical Challenges
Georg Eckes is project manager at Deutsches Filminstitut – DIF. He co-ordinates the eContentplus Project EFG – The European Film Gateway which started in September 2008 and aims at building a single access point to digital collections of European film archives and cinémathèques (www.europeanfilmgateway.eu). Since February 2006, he has been coordinating the MEDIA Plus Pilot Project MIDAS (Moving Image Database for Access and Re-Use of European Film Collections) which assembles 18 European film archives in the joint effort at building a union catalogue of film holdings (www.filmarchives-online.eu). He first joined DIF in 2002 and gained experience with networked and collaborative systems in the film sector while working for the IST project COLLATE. He holds a masters degree in History, Political Science and Media and Communication Science from the University of Hanover.
The leading international repository, database and VOD system for Holocaust-related films and Video Testimonies.
Liat Benhabib, Director of The Yad Vashem Visual Center
Liat Benhabib is the Founder and director of "The Visual Center" at Yad Vashem. Producer. B.A. (with honors) in the departments of Film and Television and in Psychology, Tel Aviv University. Between 1997-2003: content and production roles for Israeli feature films and television series: researcher, casting director, assistant director for Israeli films and television works by David Ofek and Yossi Madmoni, Eran Riklis Ari Folman, Danny Syrkin and others. Co-Produced the two video-art works and the 116 short films included in the permanent exhibition of the Holocaust History Museum at Yad Vashem, opened March 2005. Liat is a founding member and professional manager of the “Forum for the Preservation of Audio-Visual Archives in Israel”
Michael Lieber, Yad Vashem CIO
Technology and Infrastructure: The Forces Behind the Scenes at Yad Vashem databases.
Jonathan Nadav
The Forum for the Preservation of the AVForum, Audio Visual Heritage of Israel
Parallel Sessions |
Session 12 - ITHAKA
Roger Schonfeld, Director of Research, ITHAKA
This session presents ITHAKA, a repository of some of the world's leading academic and cultural heritage content, and services in conversation with Israel's higher education system, and the local academic publishing and digital repositories.
ITHAKA (www.ithaka.org) maintains online repositories and archives such as JSTOR (www.jstor.org ) that includes over one thousand of the highest-quality academic journals, as well as ARTSTOR's (www.artstor.org ) primary sources focusing on scholarship, teaching and learning in the arts. Portico is responsible for long term digital preservation, and NITLE support colleges and the use of technology to strengthen undergraduate education.
Parallel Sessions
Session 13 - MOSAICA
Chair: Raphael Attias, ORT France
This MOSAICA Workshop will provide an hands-on experience on Semantic Annotation, search and retrieval of cultural heritage resources. MOSAICA demonstrator focus on European Jewish Cultural Heritage. As the project reaches completion the tools develop are already mature.
The DAAT/MOSAICA Semantic Model
Nahum Korda, Ort France
Jewish Cultural Heritage content in MOSAICA
Dov Winer, MAKASH
Virtual Expeditions
Prof. Yehudit J. Dori, Technion – Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa
Parallel Sessions |
Session 14 - IMPACT EC Project and the Genizah Friedberg Programme
IMPACT – Responding to the challenges in mass digitisation of historical printed text
Hildelies Balk, Coordinator IMPACT
Günter Mühlberger (UBK), IMPACT
Eugene Walach, (IBM Research) - IMPACT
Asaf Tzadok, (IBM Research) - IMPACT
See full description of workshop
IMPACT is a European project that aims to speed up the process and enhance the quality of mass digitisation in Europe. The IMPACT research programme will significantly improve digital access to historical printed text through the development and use of innovative Optical Character Recognition software and linguistic technologies. IMPACT will also build capacity in mass digitisation across Europe.
In the workshop will present
· The concept and early achievements of IMPACT and how the project will contribute to the i2010 vision of Europe’s Digital Library (Hildelies Balk, KB, coordinator of the IMPACT project)
· The challenges to be faced in the digitisation of historical printed texts on a large scale and the innovative solutions for the improvement of automatic text recognition (Guenter Muehlberger, UIBK, leader of the Sub Project Text Recognition)
· The work of IBM in IMPACT on Adaptive Optical Character Recognition and Collaborative Correction (Eugene Walach, Asaf Tzadok IBM Research)
Friedberg Genizah Project
Prof. Yaacov Choueka, Chief Computerization Scientist
The Cairo Genizah, discovered at the end of the 19th century, is a collection of over 200,000 fragmentary Jewish medieval texts (which may well equal three times that number of folios) that were stored in the loft of the ancient Ben Ezra Synagogue in Cairo, Egypt between the 8th and 17th centuries. The Friedberg Genizah Project (FGP) was established to facilitate and rejuvenate Genizah research. It is achieving this goal by locating the Genizah manuscripts and then identifying, cataloging, transcribing, translating, rendering them into digital format (i.e., photographing) and publishing them online.
Parallel Sessions |
Session 15 - EuropeanaLocal
EuropeanaLocal (EDLocal), led by Mary Rowlatt, MDR Partners, Scientific Co-ordinators
Local and regional cultural institutions from across Europe will work with the EDL Foundation. Together they will find ways through which the institutions can make their content available to Europeana. The expected results include the establishment of a network of regional repositories that are highly interoperable with Europeana, an integrated EuropeanaLocal prototype service and the development of thematic areas for Europeana services which integrate content from both the national and the local/regional level.
Nurit Libman, Director, Beit Ariela Library and Tel Aviv Public Libraries Network for ULAI Department of Culture
Miriam Hiller, Director, Association of Directors of Public Libraries in Israel
Professional Networking Session
The Conference Networking Sessions offer the perfect opportunity to showcase leading projects, bringing together colleagues who are interested in a specific topic in order to discuss project ideas, ongoing research activities and potential partnerships. These sessions tend to be less formal than the official conference workshops, and encourage active participation in an informal atmosphere.
The Fifth Jerusalem Conference on the
Digitisation of Cultural Heritage
11-12 November 2008
Maiersdorf Faculty Club, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Mt. Scopus Campus
MINERVA Network and Steering Committee
Israel State Archives
The Israel National Library
Israel National Commission for UNESCO
The Forum for Preservation of Multimedia Heritage in Israel
Ministry of Science, Culture and Sports
Department for Museums and Visual Arts
Department of Public Libraries
Directorate for Culture Council for Public Libraries
Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Division for Scientific and Cultural Agreements
The Association of Museums and ICOM Israel
Israel Antiquities Authority
Council for Public Libraries
MALMAD, Israel Inter-University Center for Digital Information Services
MEITAL, Israel Inter-University Center for e-Learning
The Jewish Agency for Israel
The Pais Council for Arts and Culture
Conference Sponsors
The conference was organized through the generosity of:
- Israel National Commission for UNESCO
- The Forum for Preservation of Multimedia Heritage in Israel
- Ministry of Science, Culture and Sports, Department of Public Libraries
- The Jewish National and University Library