Parallel Sessions
The Fifth Jerusalem Conference on the Digitisation of Cultural Heritage
Maiersdorf Conference Center, at the Hebrew University, Mount Scopus Campus, Jerusalem (map).
Co-Chairs: Dov Winer and Dr. Susan Hazan
Tuesday, 11 November, 2008
Tentative Program
See also Wednesday, 12 November, 2008
Session 1 - MICHAEL -
European Digital Cultural Heritage
Registering Your Collection in MICHAEL today
Co-Chairs: Giuliana De Francesco, Ministry for Cultural Heritage and Activities, Italy and Orly Simon, Head of IT Dept, National Library of Israel
MICHAEL service is a multilingual catalogue bringing together national initiatives from across Europe. It enables the users to find high quality digitized cultural from archives, museums, libraries, audio-visual archives, monuments and archaeology. Introducing the MICHAEL platform to Israel, this session will offer an opportunity to learn how to register your collections in MICHAEL- ISRAEL.
Giuliana De Francesco will present an overview of the MICHAEL national portals and will demonstrate how to register a collection online. Orly Simon will present the planed MICHAEL- ISRAEL Portal, hosted by the National Library of Israel and the Israel National commission for UNESCO.
Participants attending this session will receive the information and background they need in order to register their own institutional collection; libraries, museums or archives.
For those unable to attend this session there will be future workshops after the conference.
For further information about future workshops contact:
Orly Simon orlysi@savion.huji.ac.il
Session 2 - eContent: Large-Scale Based Content in Israel
(In Hebrew)
Chairs: Prof. Judit Bar-Ilan, Bar-Ilan University and Ora Zehavi, University of Haifa
Israel Learning Resources in the European Learning Resources eXchange /ISRACORE
Ronny Dayan, Director, Department of Computer Applications in Education, Directorate for Science and Technology, Ministry of Education Culture and Sports and
Dov Winer, MAKASH – ICT for Advancing Education
The E-Learning Object Database Project
Eli Shmueli, Meital Inter University Center for E-Learning
Hebrew Journals: Building a Digital Archive
Oren Weinberg, Library Director, University of Haifa
A Step Further: Free Opening of E-Books, Audio-Books and Educational Resources at The Open University of Israel
Prof. Yoav Yair, The Open University of Israel
Kotar – Your Personal Online Library on Israel and Jewish Studies
Gideon Sand, Centre for Educational Technology (CET)
משאבי למידה ישראליים ברשת האירופאית/ISRACORE
רוני דיין, מנהל מדע וטכנולוגיה, משרד החינוך ודב וינר, מק"ש
מאגר חומרי למידה מתוקשבים
אלי שמואלי, מיט"ל
כתבי עת בעברית: בניית ארכיב דיגיטלי
אורן וינברג, אוניברסיטת חיפה
פרופ' יואב יאיר האוניברסיטה הפתוחה
צעד נוסף הלאה: פתיחה חופשית של חומרי לימוד וספרים אלקטרוניים וקוליים באוניברסיטה הפתוחה
כותר – ספריית משאבי למידה של מט"ח ואיגוד המו"לים בישראל
גידי זנד, מט"ח
Session 3 - Collaboration and Cultural Heritage Holdings
Many cultural heritage institutions have begun to work in collaborative projects which, by their own admission, no single institution could accomplish on its own. They are constructing online, image-centered, cross-platform relational database of human cultural heritage. The session will focus on a few local and international initiatives both in the art and archival worlds whose goals include collecting and assembling a rich intellectual storehouse openly available to the public.
Chairs: Simon Tanner and Dr. Allison Kupietzky
Collaborating for the Digital Future: Some Case Studies
Simon Tanner, Director King's Digital Consultancy Services, King's College London , Centre for Computing in the Humanities
Simon Tanner will talk about the benefits of collaborating to attain digital project success. Tanner will illustrate his points with many examples from the Centre for Computing in the Humanities at King's College London.
Classifying Cultural Objects (CCO) and the Artefacts Canada Cleanup Project
Meira Josephy, Activate Kulture and Artefacts Canada Object Workgroup Chair
Artefacts Canada is a resource of more than three million records and approximately 600,000 images contributed by more than 1300 Canadian heritage institutions to aid researchers in studying Canadian culture and collections. The project developed out of a Canadian mandate to provide the public with access to an inventory of objects in Canadian cultural institutions, and is supervised by the Canadian Heritage Information Network (CHIN). The size of the database, diverse classification schemes and contributions by French and English collections have contributed to some challenges in searching Artefacts Canada. To address these challenges, CHIN has established workgroups or "communities of practice" of contributors to examine existing standards and the needs of their institutions. This presentation will examine the recent exploration of the VRA's Classifying Cultural Objects (CCO) for the needs of Canadian museums and the results of that exploration.
Working Together to Build a National Bilingual Museum Thesaurus
Hagai Rabi, Alon Shchori and Dr. Allison Kupietzky - The Department of Museums and Plastic Arts of the Ministry of Science, Culture and Sports and The Israel Museum, Jerusalem
The museum and the Department of Museums have forged a collaborative project whereby the Israel Museum, Jerusalem will export its lexicon to the Ministry and the Ministry will supply this lexicon for the cataloguing of the 54 museums of Israel. A pilot stage has recently been completed at the Erez Yisrael Museum in Tel Aviv.
Coffee break
Opening Plenary (in Senate House)
Chair: Rossella Caffo, Ministry of Cultural Resources and Activities, Italy
Rossella Caffo
Welcome Address by the National Library of Israel
Israel, Europe and Digitisation
Dov Winer, Israel MINERVA Network for Digitisation of Cultural Heritage
Keynote Address: Prof. Stefan Gradmann, Humboldt University (Berlin), head of WP2 for Europeana (EDL – European Digital Library): Technical & Semantic Interoperability
Prof. Dr. Stefan Gradmann will discuss Europeana Semantica – Why Should We Want Semantic Foundations for The European Digital Library? His presentation will recapitulate on the history and genesis of the semantic foundations for the Europeana object space, and user interface as currently specified, and will briefly go through the findings of the EC working group on Digital Libraries Interoperability; and on the way these findings and recommendations have been taken up by the EuropeanaNet working group on Technical, and Semantic Interoperability. In the second, more substantial part he will then discuss who will actually benefit most from semantic foundations for Europeana: the focus here will be on the new opportunities created for Digital Humanities Scholars and which are likely to deeply enrich and transform scholarly work in the arts and humanities research area.
EUROPEANA - the European digital library, museum and archive – is a flagship project of the European Commission. It will produce a prototype website giving users direct access to some 2 million digital objects, including film material, photos, paintings, sounds, maps, manuscripts, books, newspapers and archival papers. The prototype will be launched in November 2008 by Viviane Reding, European Commissioner for Information Society and Media.
Parallel Sessions
Session 4 - YOUsers – Designing Your Application as a User-Centered Experience
Chair: Dr. Susan Hazan, MINERVA EC Working Group “Quality, Accessibility and Usability”, The Israel Museum, Jerusalem
Handbook on cultural web user interaction
Edited by MINERVA EC Working Group “Quality, Accessibility and Usability”
The new MINERVA handbook is targeted at YOU - professionals and institutions who are developing cultural web applications - ancient or contemporary, tangible or intangible, expert or popular, local or global - this is the handbook you have been waiting for.
Maria Teresa Natale, Minerva EC, Athena
Digital Archives Cultural Heritage, and the YOUSer
Pierluigi Feliciati, ICT Professor at University of Macerata, MINERVA EC. Athena
Imaginative Access - Augmenting the Traditional Search Interface: the Possibility of Total Access
Ardyn Halter and Michael Pincus
Imaginative Access is a special technology for interacting with closed databases over the Internet in a unique way and a new approach to "imaginatively accessing" certain types of text and media including art, photographs, images, and all types of objets d'art, as well as literature, poetry and prose, scripts, journals, diaries, and historical and religious manuscripts
Multimedia, Mythos and Mimesis - Virtual Reality and a Triple M of Museum Communication
Sorin Hermon, PhD, Research Coordinator, STARC, Cyprus Institute
Can technology Bridge the Gap Between Jews and Arabs in Teacher Education?
Dr. Elaine Hoter, Dr. Miri Shoenfeld, Asmaa Ganayam
The Center for Multi-Culturalism & Technology
Session 5 - Best Practice in Archeological Digitisation and GPS/GIS
Pnina Shor, Pnina Shor, Head Department of Treatment and Conservation of Artifacts, IAA, The Dead Sea Scrolls Go Digital
The Archaeological Survey of Israel Goes Online
Liat Ayzencot
IAA, Surveying of the Negev in terms of High Resolution Archaeology - Remote sensing methodology of Preservation of the desert landscape
Moti Haiman, IAA
Concept-based Searching; Incorporating High Resolution Archaeology into related databases
Jessie Pincus, Mnemotrix Israel, Ltd. ADASR
Session 6 - User-Generated Content (In Hebrew)
Chairs: Ora Zehavi, University of Haifa and Prof. Judit Bar-Ilan, Bar-Ilan University
Pikiwiki – Israeli Public Domain, Free License Digital Content
Hedva Sanderovitz, Pikiwiki - Project manager and Sigal Ben-Amram, Pikiwiki - Content editor
Why share your information over the Internet?
Dr. Yifat Belous, Weizmann Institute of Science and Bar-Ilan University
The effects of background information and social interaction on image tagging
Prof. Judit Bar-Ilan, Bar-Ilan University (joint work with Dr. Maayan Zhitomirsky-Geffet, Dr. Yitzchak Miller and Dr. Snunith Shoham)
פיקיוויקי - מיזם תוכן דיגיטלי ישראלי חופשי לשימוש הכלל
חדוה שנדרוביץ, מנהלת המיזם פיקיוויקי, סיגל בן עמרם, רכזת תכנים מיזם פיקיוויקי
שיתוף מידע ברשת – מדוע?
ד"ר יפעת בילואוס, מכון ויצמן למדע ואוניברסיטת בר-אילן
השפעת כמות מידע רקע ואינטראקציה חברתית על תהליך תיוג תמונות
פרופ' יהודית בר אילן, אוניברסיטת בר-אילן (עבודה משותפת עם ד"ר מעיין ז'יטומירסקי גפת, ד"ר יצחק מילר וד"ר סנונית שהם)
Professional Networking Session
The Conference Networking Sessions offer the perfect opportunity to showcase leading projects, bringing together colleagues who are interested in a specific topic in order to discuss project ideas, ongoing research activities and potential partnerships. These sessions tend to be less formal than the official conference workshops, and encourage active participation in an informal atmosphere.
17:00 - 19.00 |
“Jerusalem Calling” Gala Event
Chair: Dr. Susan Hazan
Announcing the 2008 WSA Contests
e-Content products or ICT application are entered in the WSA via national contests. The national winners in the eight WSA categories are submitted by the Eminent Expert from each country based on the national jury process - Health, politics, business, science, education, culture, but also entertainment — according to the WSA vision, these are the most crucial social issues of every-day life for everybody
Celebrating our international WSA prize winner - City of David
First prize in the culture category 2007
Designing with the Computer: The School for Holocaust Studies at Yad Vashem
David Guggenheim, Architect, Senior Lecturer
Department of Architecture, Bezalel Academy of Art

(C) David Guggenheim and Daniel Mintz, Architects
Holy Fire
Israel, 2008, 52 min

(C) Yoram Sabo, Director and Producer of Holy Fire
This documentary film was shot over three years within one square kilometer of the old city of Jerusalem, as it moves from a Jewish holiday to a Muslim holiday, stopping off to celebrate with the Christians. Folded surreptitiously within each of these holidays is the inner truth of each religion. All these holidays are managed by a secular, police officer of the Old City, who attempts to navigate between the needs of all the religions, and finds himself in the role of nanny in one of the most complex and sensitive places in the world.
By way of an impressive control center, into which pictures from 350 cameras in every street and alley are transmitted, police can be seen dispersing a Muslim demonstration after prayers; Muslim children in a playground, practicing throwing stones; an orthodox Jew aspiring to rebuild The Temple, prays defiantly at the Temple Mount despite it being prohibited, and the power struggles between the Greek and Armenian Patriarchs.
Director: Yoram Sabo
Producer: Yoram Sabo
Cinematography: Yoram Milo
Editor: Boaz Lion, Yuval Erez
The Fifth Jerusalem Conference on the
Digitisation of Cultural Heritage
11-12 November 2008
Maiersdorf Faculty Club, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Mt. Scopus Campus
MINERVA Network and Steering Committee
Israel State Archives
The Israel National Library
Israel National Commission for UNESCO
The Forum for Preservation of Multimedia Heritage in Israel
Ministry of Science, Culture and Sports
Department for Museums and Visual Arts
Department of Public Libraries
Directorate for Culture Council for Public Libraries
Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Division for Scientific and Cultural Agreements
The Association of Museums and ICOM Israel
Israel Antiquities Authority
Council for Public Libraries
MALMAD, Israel Inter-University Center for Digital Information Services
MEITAL, Israel Inter-University Center for e-Learning
The Jewish Agency for Israel
The Pais Council for Arts and Culture
Conference Sponsors
The conference was organized through the generosity of:
- Israel National Commission for UNESCO
- The Forum for Preservation of Multimedia Heritage in Israel
- Ministry of Science, Culture and Sports, Department of Public Libraries
- The Jewish National and University Library