The 6th Jerusalem Conference on the
Digitisation of Cultural Heritage
November 10 and 11 at the Van Leer Jerusalem Institute (map)
Van Leer Jerusalem Institute
Registration now open - Register here
TUESDAY – November 10, 2009
8.30 – 9.00 - Registration
9.00 - 10.30 - Parallel Session 1 - Auditorium
MICHAEL – Multilingual Inventory of Cultural Heritage in Europe
The ingestion of collections in MICHAEL Italy and MICHAEL Europe
Giuliana de Francesco (ICCU, MiBAC)
Orly Simon (NLI) Galya Richler (NLI), Michael-Israel coordinator
All about Jewish Theater and Michael Israel
Motti Sandak
The European Association of Jewish Culture, European Jewish collections
Lena Stanly Clamp, Dr. Susan Hazan (EAJC)
9.00 - 10.30 - Parallel Session 2 – Academy Hall
Digitization in the Real World: Lessons Learned from Digitization Projects (in Hebrew)
Building Digital Collections - Experience with Continuation
Chair: Ora Zehavi, University of Haifa, The library
The Concept and founding of the Shenkar Design Archive and Research Center
Ruben Kohn, Head of the Shenkar Design Archive and Research Center
The Taming of the Shrew: Organizing information Practice for Digital Theatre Archives in Israel
Sharon Shapira-Glaubach, University of Haifa Library
Behind The Scenes: Digitizing the Collections for the New Permanent Galleries of the Israel Museum
Dr. Allison Kupietzky, Collections Database Manager, the Israel Museum, Jerusalem
A Review of the Digitisation Projects in Israel's State Archives
Gil Amir, Information Technology Department, Israel Archive, the Prime Minister's Office
9.00 - 10.30 - Parallel Session 3 – Conference Hall
Consolidating the Knowledge-Base of Tomorrow
Integrating EU-Funded Research for a Regional benefit
This session will present several EU funded research initiatives coordinated by the Institute for Science and Technology for Archaeological Research, the Center-STARC Cyprus Institute regarding Cultural Heritage
3DCOFORM - an Integrated Project aiming at defining a digital pipeline for documentation and research on Cultural Heritage assets
LINKCSCEEM - an infrastructure support action aiming at developing high-computing facilities for visualization, computation and storage
STACHEM - an infrastructure support action aimed at determining the requirements for establishing regional research centers for Digital Archaeology and Material and Natural Sciences applications to Cultural Heritage and finally
CARARE - a new eContent project aiming at creating 3D content of architectural Heritage for Europeana
Prof. Franco Niccolucci, Professor, Chair of STARC IGB, the Science and Technology in Archaeology Research Center (STARC)
Dr. Sorin Hermon, Research Coordinator, the Science and Technology in Archaeology Research Center (STARC)
10.30-11.00 - Coffee Break
11.00 - 13.00 - Opening Plenary - From MINERVA to EUROPEANA - Auditorium
EUROPEANA – the European digital library, museum and archive – the flagship project of the European Commission – will grant access to some 10 million digital objects by mid 2010, including film material, photos, paintings, sounds, maps, manuscripts, books, newspapers and archival papers.
EVA/MINERVA 2009 welcomes our guests who have come to Jerusalem and recognise their resolute and diligent efforts towards the digitisation of Europe's cultural heritage. We appreciate this opportunity to be able share experience and expertise with our colleagues and to celebrate our concerted towards the growth and success of Europeana.
Chair: Dr. Susan Hazan, the Israel Museum, Jerusalem
Opening Remarks: Prof. Gabriel Motzkin
Director of the Van Leer Jerusalem Institute
Welcome: James Snyder
Anne and Jerome Fisher Director, the Israel Museum, Jerusalem
Welcome: Pier Giacomo Sola
Amitié, Italy
Keynote: Artur Serra
Director i2cat Foundation
Dov Winer, Israel MINERVA Network for Digitisation
13.00 - 14.30 - Lunch at Van Leer - Networking Session
14.30 - 16.30 - Parallel Session 4 - Auditorium
Museum Collections - Special ATHENA Roundtable
Chair: Pier Giacomo Sola - Amitié
Prof. Monika Hagedorn-Saupe, S M. B Institut für Museumsforschung
Gordon McKenna, International Development Manager, Collections Trust, UK
Giuliana de Francesco, (ICCU, MiBAC)
Ram Shimoni, Culture Administration Museums and Visual Arts Department
14.30 - 16.30 - Parallel Session 5 – Conference Hall
EUscreen: Exploring Europe's Television Heritage in Changing Contexts
Chair: Prof., Dr. Sonja de Leeuw, Professor in Mediastudies at the Department for Media and Culture Studies of Utrecht University, Coordinator, EUscreen, (soon online at, Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision, Cordinator EU project Video Active, Creating Access to Europe's Television Heritage, Cordinator, European Television History Network
This session is organized with the Forum for the Preservation of the Multimedia Heritage of Israel and The Israel Film Archive.
Jonathan Nadav, CEO
Forum for the Preservation of the Audio-Visual Memory in Israel
Liran Dan, Head of Interactive at Channel 2 Videopedia Project
Billy Segal, Head of the Archives, Israel Broadcasting Authority (IBA)
14.30 - 16.30 - Parallel Session 6 – Academy Hall
Digital Humanities - a Joint Session of the Friedberg Genizah Project and the Discovery project
Chair: Dr. Eric Zimmerman, Academic Secretary of the IDC Herzlyia.
The goal of researchers in the digital humanities is to integrate technology into their scholarly activities. It is defined methodologically by the belief that means of knowledge-making, dispersal, and collection are common among the disciplines that make up the liberal arts: discovering, annotating, comparing, referring, sampling, illustrating and representing.
Advanced Processing of Large Collections of Manuscripts: The Cairo Genizah Case
Yaacov Choueka, Chief Computerization Scientist, The Friedberg Genizah Project, Professor Emeritus of Computer Science, Bar Ilan University, Ramat Gan
Michele Barbera, (Netseven), University of Bologna
Discovery is an European project that is developing the technological backbone of the European Science Foundation A32 COST Action. “Open Scholarly Communities on the Web”. It created a federation of semantic Digital Libraries and Open Access publishers in the field of philosophy.
16.30 – 17.00 - Walking tour from the Van Leer Jerusalem Institute to the Jerusalem Cinematheque
17.00 - 19.00 - Reception and visit - Jerusalem Cinematheque
Reception Jerusalem Cinematheque (by special invitation)
Welcome - Ilan de Vries, Director Jerusalem Cinematheque
Tour of the Cinematheque campus including a behind the 'silver' screen peek into the Cinematheque Archive
18.00 - 19.00 Special screening
Introduction to the Archives with Ilan de Vries, Director and Gili Mendel, Head of Film & Media Education Department, The Jerusalem Cinematheque
Special screening: Pearls from the Archive - Jerusalem in Focus
WEDNESDAY November 11, 2009
8.30 -9.00 - Registration
9.00 - 11.00 - Parallel Session 7 – Auditorium
APENET (Archives Portal Europe) and the Israel State Archives
Chair: Ilana Ben-Yacov, CIO the Israel State Archives
APEnet (Archives Portal Europe) is a Best Practice Network project supported by the European Commission in the eContentplus programme and its objective is to build an Internet Gateway for Documents and Archives in Europe where twelve European National Archives in close cooperation with the EUROPEANA initiative will create a common access point to European archival descriptions and digital collections.
Mr Peder Andrén, National Archives of Sweden, Riksarkivet – Swedish National Archives
Mr Luis Ensenat Calderon, National sArchives of Spain, Archivos Estatales, Spain
Mr Goran Kristiansson, National Archives of Sweden, Riksarkivet - Swedish National Archives
APENET's objective is to build an Internet Gateway for Documents and Archives in Europe where twelve European National Archives in close cooperation with the EUROPEANA initiative will create a common access point to European archival descriptions and digital collections. Archives are a society's memory but also its treasure chamber that can enhance the quality of life for any citizen, on a personal as well as a societal level. Providing all Europeans with easy online access to the content of the collective memory contained in archives, will be an important contribution to the realisation of European social and cultural objectives.
The APENET session is organized by the Israel State Archives with the participation of the Israel Archives and Information Association
9.00 - 11.00 - Parallel Session 8 - Academy Hall
Dilemmas of Digitization - Best Practice when Planning the Digital Archive
Chair: Moshe Caine, Department of Interactive Communications, Hadassah College Jerusalem
No need to Panic - How to Priorities Your Audio Visual Project
Gil Toren, DB Technologies
Architecture without Archive in Israel: Towards a change
Arch Zvi Elhyani, Bezalel Academy of Art and Design, Jerusalem
Canvassing and Framing the Details of the Visual Digital Library
Rae'ut Stern, Research Coordinator, MOW Pilot at Bezalel Academy of Art and Design, Jerusalem
9.00 - 11.00 - Parallel Session 9 – Conference Hall
STERNA - (Semantic Web-based Thematic European Reference Network Application)
Chair: Andrea Mulrenin (Salzburg Research) STERNA Project Coordinator
STERNA involve in Europeana, the European Digital Library, twelve European natural history museums and other institutions that collect and hold content on biodiversity, wildlife and nature in general. To help small content providers to make their valuable and rich resources available to a wider audience, our vision is to create a dispersed and networked information space, supported and sustained by a member network of autonomous content serving users with a special interest in nature and wildlife worldwide. STERNA developed an outstanding applicative model for Semantic Web technologies.
11.00 - 11.20 - Coffee Break
11.30 - 13.00 - Parallel Session 10 - Auditorium
Hidden Cultural Heritage in digital cartographic records and engineering plans (in Hebrew)
Chair: Michal Henkin, Director, Haifa City Archives
Digital Cartographic and Engineering Material as a cultural Heritage Information Recourse
Assaf Tractinsky, Israel State Archives, Head of Information and Cataloguing, Department
Treasures in the Archives - Two hundred Years of Holy Land Mapping Online
Carmela Szancer, Head of Land Information Division, Survey of Israel.
Digitisation of the Archival Material in the Israel Electric Corp. Archives for Cultural and Business Uses
Haya Ben-Jacob, Head of the Israel Electric Corp. Archives
Moshe Feintuch, Historian and Archivist in the Israel Electric Corp. Archives
Improving cultural Research as a result of Building Plans digitization
Michal Henkin, Director, Haifa City Archives
11.30 - 13.00 - Parallel Session 11 – Conference Hall
Survey of Digitization Projects in Jewish Genealogy
Chair: Haim Horia Ghiuzeli, Beth Hatefutsoth
Digitizing a Relative Science Genealogical Database Merging
A tool for the virtual reconstitution of vanished Jewish Communities
Prof. H Daniel Wagner, Weizmann Institute of Science
A Document here, A Document there: Genealogy in Israel as a Cross-Archival Project
Rose A. Feldman, Israel Genealogical Society and the Yolanda & David Katz Faculty of the Arts, Tel-Aviv University
A Collection of Indexes for a Sephardic Website
Mathilde A. Tagger, Israel Genealogical Society, International Institute of Jewish Genealogy Paul Jacobi Center Challenges
Solutions in the Digitization of Genealogical Collections – The Nahum Goldmann Museum of the Jewish Diaspora
Haim Horia Ghiuzeli, Beth Hatefutsoth
11.30 - 13.00 - Parallel Session 12 – Academy Hall
Digital-preservation of Historical Palestinian Newspapers: Review of two parallel projects, the Givat Havivah Peace Archive and the Al Aqsa Mosque Library
Chair: Dr. Merav Mack, the Van Leer Jerusalem Institute
IFLA's involvement in a project to digitally preserve Palestinian newspapers, and the possible use of cultural preservation as a bridge between communities
Dr. Stuart Hamilton, IFLA, Cultural Heritage and Preservation in Israel and Palestine, International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA)
The collection history, physical condition, digitization process, challenges and conclusion
Qasem abu Harb, Al Aqsa Mosque Library, Digitizing the Historical Periodical Collection at the Al-Aqsa Mosque Library in East Jerusalem, Arab Studies Society, East Jerusalem
Historical Arabic newspapers are a challenge to digitize and preserve. The presentation will discuss various dilemmas and the way they have been dealt with
Samira Mahamid and David Amitai, Givat Havivah Peace Archive
13.00 - 14.30 - Lunch at Van Leer - Networking Session
14.30 - 16.30 - Parallel Session 13 - Auditorium
Educational Applications of Digitised Cultural Resources
Chair: Dr. Ofer Rimon, Director of Administration for Science and Technology, Ministry of Education - responsible for the management of the ICT program for the educational sector of Israel
The National Library of Israel is sponsoring and organizing a track dedicated to the use of Digital Resources in Secondary and Higher Education. The increased availability of primary documentation provides excellent opportunities for learning first hand from primary sources. It challenges teachers and students by the opportunities for incorporating digital sources in the learning process and in the re-creation of new cultural products. The planned program will incorporate the presentation of best practices in this area from Israel and the world.
Keynote: Elizabeth Ridgway, Director of Educational Outreach at the Library of Congress Office of Strategic Initiatives
Gila Ben Har, Director of the Center for Educational Technology
Sharon Greenberg, Head of the Internet Department, Israel ORT RTD, Center and lecturer at Bar Ilan University
Orly Simon, National Library of Israel (NLI)
14.30 - 16.30 - Parallel Session 14 – Academy Hall
JUDAICA Europeana
Jews in European Urban Culture - Europeana and Jewish Cultural Heritage
Chair: Prof. Elhanan Adler, Deputy Director for Information Technology, National Library of Israel
The presence of Jews in urban culture has been so high as to render them the symbolic equivalent of the city itself. Judaica Europeana, will document the Jewish urban expression in Europe digitising and aggregating several million documents in thematic collections. Deploy knowledge management tools in support of communities of knowledge and practice. Support the employment of the digitised content in scholarship; teaching and learning; museum curatorship and virtual exhibitions; and more.
Prof. Elhanan Adler, Deputy Director for Information Technology, National Library of Israel
Haim Ghiuzeli, Director Databases Department, Beit Hatfutsot
A glimpse from the Archive: the architecture of a Hungarian synagogue, the preservation of a Jewish Quarter in Spain, and propaganda posters from a Jewish party - all at the click of a mouse.
Dov Winer, European Association for Jewish Culture, Scientific Manager of Judaica Europeana
14.30 - 16.30 - Parallel Session 15 – Conference Hall
Engaging the Visitor: Museums Share Collections with their Audiences
Chair: Idit Amihai, Head of Culture Administration Museums and Visual Arts Department
An online digital archive of integrated museum collections: The Wild-Goat style pottery collections from the Louvre, British, Berlin and Athens Museums
Sorin Hermon, (Cyprus Institute)
Uros Damnjanovic (Cyprus Institute), Anne Coulie (Louvre Museum), Franco Niccolucci (Cyprus Institute), Denis Pitzalis (C2RMF-CNRS, France)
Twelve Years, One Hundred and Eighty Exhibitions: a Preview of the Israel Museum's Exhibition Online Archive
Dr. Susan Hazan, Curator of New Media and Head of the Internet Office
Haya Sheffer, Web Designer, the Israel Museum, Jerusalem
Treatment of Archives – Open & experiential – The Yizkor Memorial Hall at GFH (Ghetto Fighters' House at Kibbutz Lochamei Hagetaot)
Sharon Erlich, Radion Engineering Company Ltd.
The conference takes place under the auspices of the Italy Israel
Agreement for Cooperation in Education and Culture
Conference Networking Sessions
The Professional Networking Sessions offer the perfect opportunity to showcase your project, bringing together colleagues that are interested in a specific topic in order to discuss project ideas, ongoing research activities and potential partnerships. The two EVA/MINERVA networking sessions tend to be less formal than the official conference workshops, and encourage active participation in an informal atmosphere.
Invitation to Present in the Professional Networking Session