Program - EVAMinerva 2010
Monday, 15 November
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18.00 - 19.00
Auditorium |
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19.00 - 21.00 |
Judaica Europeana Conference Opening
Chair: Mark Ejlenberg, Founder, the Amsterdam City Experience Municipal Committee
Welcome: Oren Weinberg, Director of the National Library of Israel
All About Judaica Europeana, Lena Stanley-Clamp, (EAJC) European Association for Jewish Culture, London, Judaica Europeana Director
Keynote: Who was David S. ? The Origins of Jewish Secularization in 18th Century Europe – A Renewed Perspective, Professor Shmuel Feiner, Bar Ilan University and Chair Leo Beck Institute, Israel. Among his many books: The Jewish Enlightenment, winner of the Koret Jewish Book Award in History and The Origins of Jewish Secularization in Eighteenth-Century Europe, winner of the 2010 Shazar Prize for the best book in Jewish history |
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Tuesday, 16 November
8.30- 11.00 |
Registration |
9.00 – 10.45 |
Morning Sessions I
Auditorium |
Morning Sessions I
Upper Conference Hall |
Morning Sessions I
Academy Hall |
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Museum Track: Success stories from the
Museum Community
Chair: (TBC)
Maria Teresa Natale, Istituto centrale per il catalogo unico delle biblioteche, Italy and Piergiacomo Sola, Amitié, Italy
ATHENA project: Lessons learnt. 1. The importance of the workflow
Andrea Mulrenin, Project Manager, STERNA, Mag (Phil.) Mag (FH) Andrea M. Mulrenin, Information Society Research / Focus eCulture, STERNA and Ivan Teage, Wildscreen/ARKive,
Report from STERNA – A presentation of the STERNA architecture, a demonstration of the tool set. experience report, from the point of view of a content providing organisation (Wildscreen) and an overview on whole project: what has been done/achieved so far. |
Michael Israel
Chair: Orly Simon, Head Public Services Division, National Library of Israel
Galia Richler, National Library of Israel, Project Manager MICHAEL Israel
Michael Israel maps the collections from libraries, museums, archives, cultural institutions and private collections and they document the cultural heritage of the Land of Israel, the Jewish people and institutions in the State of Israel.
Judaica Europeana Conference
[Technology Session]
Chair (TBC)
Europena’s Datamodel, Linked Data and Jewish Vocabularies
Dov Winer, Scientific Director, Judaica Europeana
Dr. Allison Kupietzky, Collections Database Manager, The Israel Museum Jerusalem
SKOS, FOAF and Other Four Letter Words: Mapping the Israel Museum, Jerusalem Thesauri for the Ministry of Culture Department of Museums,
Marina (Riny) Goldsmith, Head of Foreign Language Cataloging and Esther Guggenheim, Bibliographic Systems Librarian, National Library of Israel
VIAF (Virtual Authority File) and other Vocabularies maintained by the National Library of Israel,
Discussion |
11.00 – 12.30 |
Auditorium |
Chair: Dott. Rossella Caffo, MINERVA/ATHENA
Prof. Gabriel Motzkin, Director, The Van Leer Jerusalem Institute
James Snyder, Anne and Jerome Fisher Director,
The Israel Museum, Jerusalem
Dr. Yehoshua Freundlich, the Israel State Archivist
Zvi Hauser, the Secretary of the Government, Prime Minister Office (TBC) TAMAR – Action Guidelines for the Recovery and Empowerment of the National Heritage Infrastructures.
[Click here for a link to the plan (in Hebrew) PDF]
Dov Winer, Co-Chair EVA/Minerva 2010
Coordinator, Israel Minerva Forum
Digitisation of Culture in Israel: from Conference to Conference
Keynote Address: The Europeana Business Model and its implications for content aggregators and other cultural institutions, Harry Verwayen, Director Business Development, Europeana
Dr. Susan Hazan, Co-Chair EVA/Minerva 2010
This Year in Jerusalem |
12.30 – 13.30 |
Lunch |
13.30 – 15.00 |
Afternoon Sessions I
Auditorium |
Afternoon Sessions I
Upper Conference Hall |
Afternoon Sessions I
Academy Hall |
Museum Track - Visualising Living Culture
Chair: Prof. Ruth Ben-Israel, Chair The Museum Council, Israel
Welcome: Tzach Granit, Chairman of the Culture Administration
Keynote: Dr Sarah Kenderdine, Associate Professor, City University, Hong Kong, Director of Research, Applied laboratory of Interactive Visualization and Embodiment, Hong Kong, Science Park. Special Projects, Museum Victoria
Cultural Data Sculpting: Immersive Architectures for the Embodiment of Culture and Heritage
Dr. Allison Kupietzky, The Israel Museum, Jerusalem, Dr. Sorin Hermon, Cyprus Institute,and Dr. Susan Hazan, The Israel Museum, Jerusalem
Ask Jacques Lipchitz a Question
Dr. Sorin Hermon,Cyprus Institute
3DCOFORM: Tools and expertise for 3D collection formation
The 3D-COFORM Consortium has one over-riding aim: to establish 3D documentation as an affordable, practical and effective mechanism for long term documentation of tangible cultural heritage. In order to make this happen the consortium is highly conscious that both the state of the art in 3D digitisation and the practical aspects of deployment in the sector must be addressed. Hence 3D-COFORM proposes an ambitious program of technical research, coupled with practical exercises and research in the business of 3D to inform and accelerate the deployment of these technologies to good effect.
The presentation will focus on latest achievements of the project in museum environments.
Europeana and Adio-visual Content
Chair: Billy Segal, Head of IBA film archive
EUscreen, Sonja de Leeuw, Coordinator EUsreen
Connecting televisual archival material and users in the online audiovisual European platform EUscreen
The major objective of EUscreen (funded by the EC under the eContentplus programme) is to stimulate the use of television archive content for the widest range of European user constituencies and communities and thus to advance active engagement with the cultural memory of Europe both at a national and a European level. Through its synergy with Europeana, EUscreen enables alignment of European audiovisual content with the digitised cultural heritage of Europe. |
Judaica Europena Conference [Education Session]
Chair: Annette Hochstein, President Emeritus, Mandel Foundation Israel, Judaica Europeana
Naama Shik, The International School for Holocaust Studies, Yad Vashem.
Dovi Weiss, Chief Pedagogical Officer, Time To Know (Et Ladaat): The partnership between teachers and technology for promoting students' knowledge building.
Avi Warshavsky, Head of Humanities and Social Studies, CET, Center for Educational Technology, MATACH, The vision and venture of the Jewish People,
15.00 – 15.20 |
Coffee break |
15.20 – 17.00 |
Afternoon Sessions II
Auditorium |
Afternoon Sessions II
Upper Conference Hall |
Afternoon Sessions II
Academy Hall |
Museum Track – Visualising Collections
Chair: Idit Amichai, Director, Department for Museums and Visual Arts at the Ministry of Culture Directorate for Culture
Pnina Shor, Curator and Head of Dead Sea Scrolls Projects, The Israel Antiquities Authority
The Dead Sea Scrolls Digitization Project
Ram Wallach, CEO at 7interactive ltd.
The Social Museum,
Anat Harel, Project Developer for the Resource Centre, Jewish Historical Museum, Amsterdam
The Jewish Monument Community: Bridging Generations and Exploring
Willem Velthoven, Mediamatic.net
The Jewish Monument community was established to enable users to exchange information and contact each other online. Its focus is the Shoah in the Netherlands and Jewish life in the Netherlands. |
ASSETS - Advanced Service Search and Enhancing Technological Solutions for the European Digital Library
Silvia Boi, ASSETS project manager, Engineering Ingegneria Informatica SPA
ASSETS will provide software services, as Open Source code, applicable to all digital libraries:
(1) Searching multimedia objects based on metadata and on content similarity
(2) Ranking algorithms for improved result display
(3) Browsing multimedia objects for rapid navigation through semantic cross-links
(4) Audio content annotation and indexing
(5) Interfaces for interacting with multimedia objects
(6) Ingestion of metadata requiring normalization, cleaning, knowledge extraction and mapping to a common structure.
Judaica Europeana [Content Session]
Chair: Mark Ejlenberg, Founder of the Amsterdam City Experience Municipal Committee
Mark Ejlenberg will moderate the presentation and discussion in which several leading Jewish content holders and all the Judaica Europeana partners present will take part. The focus will concern the vision that should orient the development of a joint Jewish cultural digital space. Its background is the emergence of the new structured Web, the Linked Open Data Web, and one of its outstanding expressions, Europeana.
Judaica Europeana contents documenting the participation of Jews in the development of European Cities by Jean-Claude Kuperminc, Alliance Israelite Universelle (AIU), Head of the Library and Archive
All About Jewish Theater : Shtetl to Broadway On Line & Holocaust On line Theatre Collection: First Realizations of creating global Jewish cultural digital space and themed communities. Mark Ejlenberg, Director Strategy, www.jewish-theatre.co and Moti Sandak, Principal & Founder, www.jewish-theatre.com
The Diaspora Museum collections [TBC]
Court View Media: Technical Template of Jewish Cultural Digital Space- handling of multi source (rich) content, personalization, social network & distributing themed content across multi channels. Jon Sumray, CEO, Court View Media |
17.00 – 18.00 - Museum Council of Israel (by invitation only) |
17.00 – 18.00 - Walking Tour with Galia Richler-Garber, National Library of Israel
from Van Leer to
to the Israel Museum
The evening reception is hosted by the Israel Museum Computer and Information Systems Department, and located at the Israel Museum, Jerusalem. The reception and refreshments will be held in the Upper Gallery Entrance and will be followed by tours of the renewed galleries.
18.30 – 19.30 - Reception - The Israel Museum, Jerusalem
19.30 - Guided Tours of the Renewed Galleries
Wednesday, 17 November
9.00 – 10.50 |
Morning Sessions I
Auditorium |
Morning Sessions I
Upper Conference Hall |
Morning Sessions I
Academy Hall |
Access to Cultural Heritage Networks across Europe and DC-NET on e-infrastructure for cultural heritage
Giuliana De Francesco (ICCU, Italy)
ATHENA Work in progress, towards Europeana
Maria Teresa Natale, Istituto centrale per il catalogo unico delle biblioteche, Italy
Piergiacomo Sola, Amitié, Italy
ATHENA project: Lessons learnt 2
Making digital contents attractive
Rossella Caffo, (ICCU, Italy)
DC-NET: e-Infrastructures for Cultural Heritage
Israel Association for Archives and Information
* Please note that this session is in Hebrew
Dr. Silvia Schenkolewski Kroll, Department of Information Science, Bar-Ilan University
Israel State Archives – Development of Digital Infrastructures for Preservation and Accessibility of culture Heritage in Israel.
Ilana Ben Yaacob, CIO, Israel State Archives
Management and Preservation of Electronic Records, Road Maps for the next ten years.
Hagai Tsoref, head of the State Documents and Commemoration Department, Israel State Archives
Innovations and new trends in electronic publishing of historical documents in the Israel State Archives
ד"ר סילויה שנקולבסקי – קרול, המחלקה ללימודי מידע, אוניברסיטת בר-אילן
שם המושב: גנזך המדינה – פיתוח תשתיות דיגיטליות לשימור ולהנגשה של מורשת תרבותית במדינה.
ניהול ושימור רשומות אלקטרוניות, מפת דרכים ל- 10 השנים הבאות
אילנה בן יעקב, מנמ"ר גנזך המדינה
מגמות וחידושים בפרסומים אלקטרוניים של תעודות היסטוריות
חגי צורף, ראש תחום תיעוד והנצחה, גנזך המדינה
Current Trends and Strategies in User Studies
Chair: Pierluigi Feliciati, University of Macerata (IT)
Milena Dobreva (Strathclyde University – Glasgow UK), User studies current methods and challenges
Prof. Pierluigi Feliciati (University of Macerata – IT), User studies applied: some case studies
Maria Teresa Natale (Athena), Online questionnaires and other stories: Culturaitalia strategies to meet remote users
P. Feliciati, M. Dobreva and MT Natale, Guided discussion with participants to the session on “user studies for digital culture applications: why, how and when” |
10.50 – 11.10 |
Coffe break |
11.00 – 13.00 |
Morning Sessions II
Auditorium |
Morning Sessions II
Upper Conference Hall |
Morning Sessions II
Academy Hall |
Europeana Connect- Kaiser Max
Max Kaiser, Head of Research and Development, Austrian National Library The overall objective of Europeana Connect is to deliver core components which are essential for the realisation of Europeana, the European Digital Library as a truly interoperable, multilingual and user-oriented service for all European citizens. EuropeanaConnect will also add the music dimension to Europeana by aggregating a critical mass of audio content.
Ido Ivri, Digital Programs Manager, Digital Programs at the National Library of Israel: Present and Future
The talk will shortly survey current digitization projects undertaken in the National Library, and will point out the mass digitization efforts that are being drafted in the last few months and their underlying digital strategy, as well as provide an outlook of the results of such mass digitization efforts on the organization and the service the Library is able to provide to its publics. |
Archive Track - HOPE – Heritage of People’s Europe
Chair: Dr. Miriam Katchansky
Ernesto Harder, Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung - Archiv und Bibliothek der sozialen Demokratie, Germany
The HOPE Project:: Social History metadata aggregator and content repository: engaging the community of social history scholars.
The Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung activities in Israel,
Dr . Miriam Katchansky, Lavon Institute for Labour Movement Research. The role of the Lavon Institute as the keeper of the archives documenting the Israeli Labor Movement’s contribution to the establishment and shaping of the State of Israel. |
Europenana Workshop – Learning from Europeana’s Business Plans 2011-2015
Harry Verwayen, Europenana, Director Business Development, Europeana
Workshop focused on the concepts and tools required for Cultural Institutions to develop their Business Models in the new environment established by the massive use of the Internet and the online environment.
* Limited place – pre-registration required |
13.00 – 1400 |
Lunch |
14.00 – 16.00 |
Afternoon Sessions II
Auditorium |
Afternoon Sessions II
Upper Conference Hall |
Afternoon Sessions II
Academy Hall |
STACHEM – Science and Technology for Archaeology and Cultural Heritage in the Eastern Mediterranean
Dr. Sorin Hermon, The Cyprus Institute
The goal of the STACHEM Project is to contribute to a regional strategic plan for research infrastructures devoted to archaeological sciences and digital heritage in the Eastern Mediterranean.
CARARE is a service that that will make digital content for Europe's unique archaeological monuments and historic sites interoperable with Europeana. It aims to add the 3D and Virtual Reality content to Europeana.
Israel Association for Archives and Information
* Please note that this session is in Hebrew
Archives in the age of digital reproduction – where are we heading?
Chair: Michal Henkin, Chair of the Israel Archives and Information Association
Dr. Guy Pessach, Hebrew University
Content Sharing Platforms - Legal Implications for Archives
Dr. Eitan Eliram, Director of New Media, Prime Minister's Office, Israel
Social Media usage by leading Archives- analyzing some recent best practices,
גב' מיכל הנקין, יו"ר האיגוד הישראלי לארכיונאות ולמידע יו"ר
שם המושב: ארכיונים בעידן השעתוק הדיגיטלי – הפנים לאן
שיתוף תוכן ברשת – היבטים משפטיים
ד"ר גיא פסח, האוניברסיטה העברית
שימושים מוצלחים במיוחד ברשתות חברתיות לקידום יעדי הארכיון
ד"ר איתן אלירם, מנהל תחום ניו-מדיה ואינטרנט, משרד ראש הממשלה
Preserving and Sharing our Genealogical Heritage
Rose A. Feldman, IGS webmistress
Bringing the Montefiore Censuses to the Masses
Daniel Horowitz
A Genealogical Happening: 1.400 trees in 3 days
Ellen Stepak
A Memorial Database to the places of our heritage that are no more