
Preserving the past for our future

The Fourth Annual Jerusalem Conference on the Digitisation of Cultural
Tuesday the 20th and Wednesday the 21st of November 2007
Bet Tzarfat (Maison de France)
Givat Ram campus, the Hebrew University, Jerusalem
Finding Maison de France and local accommodation
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
8.30.00-10.00 Registration
Parallel Morning Sessions:
Personalising, contextualising and semantic interoperability
DELOS I: The Digital Library Reference Model |
Chair, Prof. Elhanan Adler, Deputy Director, JNUL |
9:00 -11:00 |
Donatella Castelli, DELOS
Networked Multimedia Information Systems (NMIS), Istituto di Scienza e Tecnologie dell'Informazione "Alessandro Faedo", bibliography and Yannis Ioannidis , DELOS
Reference Model for Digital Library Management Systems
There is no agreement yet on what Digital Libraries (DL) and Digital Library Management Systems (DLMSs) are and on which functionality they must provide.
The objective of this DELOS activity is to define a DLMS reference model i.e. a formal and conceptual framework describing the characteristics of this particular type of information system. The model will exploit the understanding of the architecture and functionality expected from an operational DLMS
The DELOS Network of Excellence aims at integrating and coordinating European research in the field of digital libraries. The project is carrying out research on digital library architecture, information access and personalisation, audio/visual and nontraditional objects, user interfaces and visualisation, knowledge extraction and semantic interoperability, preservation and evaluation.
Roundtable: The Mediterranean Digital Library
9:00 -11:00 |
Download here the background paper: “European Digitization Policies: The Cultural and Political Background” by Franco Niccolucci
Prof. Franco Niccolucci
Visiting Professor, The Cyprus Institute
University of Firenze, PIN, VAST Lab
Overview and Introduction
Bernard M. Salome
Special Representative of the Director, Bibliotheca Alexandrina, Egypt
The role and activity of Bibliotheca Alexandrina
Rossella Caffo
Director, Library of Modern and Contemporary History (Rome); Coordinator Committee of MICHAEL; Ministry of Culture, Italy.
National and international initiatives of the Italian Ministry of Culture: Minerva, Michael and the MedCult
Prof. Marinos Ioannides, Computer Department, Higher Technical Institute , Cyprus
Built heritage as part of digital libraries: the experience of Cyprus
Prof. Elhanan Adler
Deputy Director for Information Technologies, Jewish National and University Library
The potential contribution of JNUL to the Mediterranean Digital Library
Prof. Ronnie Ellenblum
Head, The School of History, Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Dr. Sorin Hermon, EPOCH A network of excellence for open digital heritage
The contribution of EPOCH to the creation of digital repositories of 3D cultural objects
Dov Winer
MOSAICA – An ontology based semantic web portal for European Jewish cultural heritage
Chair: Raphael Attias, ORT France, Coordinator MOSAICA
9:00 -11:00 |
The MOSAICA Ontology and Semantic Annotation Tools
Nahum Korda, Straight Technologies
The MOSAICA Architecture
Boaz Hashavyia, IDEA Information Systems
The MOSAICA Virtual Expeditions
Prof. Judy Dori and Dr. Miriam Barak
The Technion, Technology Institute of Israel
Dov Winer
Jewish Content to be annotated in MOSAICA
MOSAICA is envisioned as a technologically advanced web portal, featuring multifaceted interfaces for knowledge based exploration and online utilities. Contents focus initially on the European Jewish Cultural Heritage.
The project will also provide a framework for the ontology based, interactive conceptualisation of cultural resources: Online semantic annotator. Free text annotation tools to comment and recommend individual cultural objects or to associate them with relevant ontological concepts. Online ontology editor. Empowers users with convivial means to further develop their own conceptual models, and to dynamically enrich the MOSAICA ontology with their own
11:00 -11:15 Coffee Break
Parallel morning sessions
Regions, rights and rules
DELOS II: Presentation and Demonstration of the DELOS DLMS Prototype
Chair: Prof. Catriel Beeri, School of Engineering and Computer Science, Hebrew University of Jerusalem
11:15 – 13:00 |
Gert Brettlecker (1), Diego Milano (1, 2), Heiko Schuldt (1)
(1) Database and Information Systems Group, University of Basel, Switzerland
(2) Database and Information Systems Group, University of Konstanz, Germany
Delos DLMS Prototype
The overall goal of the Delos DLMS is the implementation of a prototype of a next-generation digital library management system [Schek and Schuldt 2006]. This system combines text and audio-visual searching, offers personalized browsing using new information visualization and relevance feedback tools, provides novel interfaces, allows retrieved information to be annotated and processed, integrates and processes sensor data streams, and finally, from a systems engineering point of view, is easily configured and adapted while being reliable and scalable.
The DELOS Network of Excellence aims at integrating and coordinating European research in the field of digital libraries. The project is carrying out research on digital library architecture, information access and personalisation, audio/visual and nontraditional objects, user interfaces and visualisation, knowledge extraction and semantic interoperability, preservation and evaluation.
Click here for the full description of this workshop
The overall goal of the DelosDLMS is the implementation of a prototype of a next-generation digital library management system. This system combines text and audio-visual searching, offers personalized browsing using new information visualization and relevance feedback tools, provides novel interfaces, allows retrieved information to be annotated and processed, integrates and processes sensor data streams, and finally, from a systems engineering point of view, is easily configured and adapted while being reliable and scalable.
This session introduces and demonstrates the architecture of DelosDLMS and the different DL services that have been integrated.
Full description of this workshop
- Introduction to DELOS and Delos DLMS
- Content-based Image Similarity Search in DLs
- Delos DLMS Architecture
- Content-based Similarity Search in DLs: Audio, Video, 3D
- Information Visualization
- Non-standard input devices for DLs (interactive paper, speech)
- Wrap-up, final discussion
Interactive aspects: "emotional-awareness" and Ubiquity
11:15 – 13:00 |
Benjamin Hodgson, iTacitus Lead Developer
British Maritime Technology (BMT), Coordinator iTacitus
The iTACITUS project aims to explore how mobile technology can be used to enhance the experience of cultural tourists. By prototyping a system which provides assisted itinerary planning, visual augmented reality overlays, interactive audio plays and location based contextual information.
In this session we discuss the technologies in the context of a broader trend which creates both new opportunities and new challenges for cultural institutions. For example standards such as geoRss allow anyone to annotate the real world and mobile technology allows content to be retrieved from anywhere. Which raises the questions about how institutions can open up and embrace external contributors while ensuring quality is maintained?
Massimo Bertoncini
Head of Sector Services for Digital Content and Media,
R&D Lab, Engineering - Ingegneria Informatica, Rome, Italy
Download here the CALLAS presentation
The CALLAS Integrated Project aims to design and to develop a multimodal architecture which will include emotional aspects in order to support applications in the new media business scenario with an “ambient intelligence” paradigm. The vision underlining the CALLAS Project is that new media can enhance user participation in content, media, and social interaction.
This workshop explores to what extent, and in which ways digital technologies affect performing arts and digital art, and focuses on the interactive aspect and natural and "emotional-aware" interfaces. Through examples drawn from the CALLAS experience this presentation will showcase the state of the art of the advancement of usage of digital technologies when applied to museums and libraries where "culture" then becomes more appealing - especially for the young people.
Dissemination of standards – Images, Texts and Multimedia |
Dr. Allison Kupietzky
Collections Database Manager, The Israel Museum, Jerusalem, Expert MinervaEC WP2 on "Assessment and Evaluation”
Dr. Susan Lazinger
Department of Library Studies, Haifa University |
11:15 – 13:00 |
Dr. Susan Lazinger, Department of Library Studies, Haifa University
Metadata Standards for Works of Art: CIMI, CDWA, VRA and the Getty Crosswalk
The session will familiarize the cultural heritage sector audience with recommended standards for digitization, access and preservation of images, texts, and multimedia.
Danny Ilan and Isaac Akerman
The Standards Institution of Israel
Dissemination and Implementation of International Standards in an Israeli Setting
Ora Zahavi
The Library of the University of Haifa
Why Follow Standards? Why Work with the Library? Experience and Examples of Digital Projects in Israel
Pier Giacomo Sola (TBC)
Coordinator MinervaEC
Assessment and Evaluation
Within the framework of the MinervaEC the workgroup of "Assessment and Evaluation", is examining a list of Minerva products, standards and dissemination techniques to enhance the adoption of relevant standards.
Dr. Allison Kupietzky, Collections Database Manager, The Israel Museum, Jerusalem Expert MinervaEC WP2 on "Assessment and Evaluation"
From Theory to Practice - Applying Standards to Digitization Projects
13.00 -14.00 Lunch
Parallel Afternoon Sessions
Tools, Sounds and Web 2.0
Image-based Interaction |
14:15 – 16:00 |
Andreas Walter Forschungsbereich IPE
FZI Karlsruhe – awalter at fzi.de
Download the full workshop programme
The main objective of IMAGINATION is to bring digital cultural and scientific resources closer to their users, by making user interaction image-based and context-aware. Our aim is to enable image-based navigation for digital cultural and scientific resources. Our vision is a system where users receive meaningful contextual information about images and image parts, which makes images easier to understand. Moreover, users can simply navigate to new, relevant images and texts in the knowledge repository only by clicking on interesting image parts.
Based on an analysis of the user requirements, content owners prefer a work-integrated creation of ontologies instead of using predefined ontoloties created by knowledge engineers. When the ontology is integrated into the image annotation process, users are motivated to create an ontology to enrich their own images with high quality semantic annotations in the hope to gain more potential customers.
Workshop programme:
- General Presentation
- Image contents in the IMAGINATION project
- Automated tools and benefits from iterative combinations
- The ImageNotion tool: collaborative ontology development
14:15 – 16:00 |
A Digital Library Infrastructure on Grid Enabled Technology http://www.diligentproject.org
Chair: Edward Aronovich, School of CS Tel Aviv University, Regional Operation Center representative EGEE
Donatella Castelli, Networked Multimedia Information Systems (NMIS), Istituto di Scienza e Tecnologie dell'Informazione Alessandro Faedo
Yannis Ioannidis , University of Athens
Heiko Schuldt, Database and Information Systems Group, University of Basel, Switzerland
DILIGENT aims at building an infrastructure that can be used to create Digital Libraries (DLs) on demand by exploiting shared resources. Shared resources for us are computing and storage resources, services and content. See: http://www.diligentproject.org
The DILIGENT test-bed will be built by integrating Grid and Digital Library (DL) technologies. The test-bed will be demonstrated and validated by two complementary real-life application scenarios: one from the environmental e-science domain and one from the cultural heritage domain.
In order to implement this infrastructure we exploit grid infrastructures, technologies and framework. In particular, we exploit the EGEE infrastructure - http://www.eu-egee.org/ , the gLite middleware - http://glite.web.cern.ch/glite/ and the WSRF.
More information on the system we have developed, named gCube, can be found at http://www.gcube-system.org
Enabling access to sound archives
Chair, Dr. Gila Flam, Head, Music and Sound Archives, JNUL
14:15 – 16:00 |
Guy Marechal, Israel Cohen and Jean-François Cosandier, Radio Suisse Romande
Josh Reiss (see bio)
Centre of Digital Music, Queen Mary University of London
EASAIER Coordinator
Francois Scharffe, Ivan Damnjanovic, Chris Landone
EASAIER http://www.easaier.org
Full description of this workshop
Many digital sound archives still suffer from tremendous problems concerning access. Materials are often in different formats, with related media in separate collections, and with non-standard, specialist, incomplete or even erroneous metadata.
Thus, the end user is unable to discover the full value of the archived material. To expose the inherent value of the archived material, powerful multimedia mining techniques are needed, in combination with content extractors, meaningful descriptors, and visualization tools. There is also a need to improve retrieval effectiveness.
This workshop will demonstrate and discuss various methods of addressing these issues through development of tools and techniques which allow archived materials to be accessed in different ways and at different levels.
MEMORIES: summary
MEMORIES: a short presentation
Summary of the project
Case scenarios
Digital discourse as a new source of cultural heritage |
C0-Chairs: Ora Zehavi, University of Haifa, Library
Dr. Judit Bar-Ilan, Bar-Ilan University, Department of Information Science
Wikis, blogs, talkbacks, elearning repositories,and forums.
Are these new technologies really part of our (future) cultural heritage? |
14:15 – 16:15 |
Dr. Alon Hasgall, Bar-Ilan University and MAVINIT
The Internet, the community and I - A perspective on the web evolution
Ami Salant, Director of the Information Center, Mofet Institute, Tel Aviv and Sigalit Adani, HOT
The community of information specialists in Israel - the Joint Content Portal
David Shay, Wikipedia
The Hebrew Wikipedia
Reuven Koret
CEO of Koret Communications, Publisher of Israel Insider, Founder of the Shmooze social network and Producer of NOWLEJ personal portals
Widgets and Mijits and Feeds, Oh My!
Rivka Shveiky, The Jewish National and University Library
Web Heritage: what's worthy of preservation?
* The presentations will be in Hebrew
Professional Networking Session
The call for presentations at the Conference Networking Sessions is open. Visit the call page and register. Do not forget to invite your colleagues who are working in areas related to the digitization of science and cultural heritage. This is your opportunity to present your work at the conference – the perfect moment to introduce your work and be able to discuss it with your colleagues.
Plenary Session
Building on the past - Stepping into the Future
Chair: Dr. Susan Hazan
Liina Munari
Project officer, European Commission
DG Information Society and Media
Unit E.3 - Cultural heritage and technology-enhanced learning
The European Commission, Directorate Information Society and Media, INFSO E.3: Cultural Heritage and Learning Technologies
Prof. Franco Niccolucci
Visiting Professor, The Cyprus Institute
University of Firenze, PIN, VAST Lab
University of Firenze, EPOCH Network of Excellence for Open Digital Heritage
World Summit Awards (WSA) Gala Celebration
Rimon Levy, President, Israel Internet Association, ISOC-IL
Gala celebration of the 2006/7 national winners of the
WSA Israel contests
Presentation of the seven Israel winners
and the International winner of the first prize - e-Culture category
The City of David |
The call for presentations at the Conference Networking Sessions is open. Visit the call page and register. Do not forget to invite your colleagues who are working in areas related to the digitization of science and cultural heritage. This is your opportunity to present your work at the conference – the perfect moment to introduce your work and be able to discuss it with your colleagues.
To download and save (right click) the Hebrew registration form (Word Doc or PDF) International Registration
To download and save (right click) the English registration form (Word Doc or PDF)
Send in your registration by email attachment to evaminerva07@gmail.com or by fax (the PDF page) to: 02-5333269
If you have any questions about the conference, or seek further information about the Digital Heritage, Israel contact
Dov Winer and Dr. Susan Hazan
Conference Co-Chairs
The Jerusalem 2007 Conference on the Digitisation of Cultural Heritage
Digital Heritage, Israel