
Preserving the past for our future

The Fourth Annual Jerusalem Conference on the Digitisation of Cultural
Tuesday the 20th and Wednesday the 21st of November 2007
Bet Tzarfat (Maison de France)
Givat Ram campus, the Hebrew University, Jerusalem
Finding Maison de France and local accommodation
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
9.00-10.00 Registration
Parallel Morning Sessions
Pushing the cultural envelope: spatially, socially and emotionally
Jerusalem and its hidden treasures |
10:00 -11:30
Jerusalem: preserving archives and librarieshttp://www.writtenheritage.org/EN/index.html
Jerusalem stands at the heart of the religious and cultural heritage of millions of people throughout the world and the city's written treasures have enormous historical, cultural and educational value. The primary goal of this project is to carry out a survey of the archives, libraries and private collections of Jerusalem. The longer term vision is to see the written treasures of Jerusalem free from risks and properly preserved for future generations.
Dr. Merav Mack, Director of Research at Cambridge Research Technology
Peter Jacobsen, CEO of Cambridge Research Technology
Qasem abu Harb , Researcher of the Palestinian Libraries and Archives,
Daniel Alemu, Researcher of the Ethiopian libraries
Yehuda Horovitz, Researcher of the Ultraorthodox libraries and archives
Thinking locally - acting globally |
Chair: Dr. Yaarah Bar-On
Vice President, Bezalel, Academy of Arts and Design, Jerusalem
10:00 -11:30
Moshe Caine
Expert in digital imaging, virtual reality and interactive communications
Bezalel Academy of Art and Design, Jerusalem,
Dr Yusuf Natsheh
Specialist in Islamic Architecture and the architectural heritage of Jerusalem’s Old City
Al Quds University
The PUSH project: The PUSH Project. Exploring the Common Heritage
A tri-lateral regional project aimed at fostering mutual respect, dialogue, discovery and presentation of our cultural and natural heritage. PUSH works to break down cultural prejudices by building greater understanding of the region's shared heritage as a means to respect and appreciate the cultures of the 'other', thereby advancing peace in the region. Furthermore, by identifying important sites of natural and cultural heritage, PUSH brings international attention to the rich cultural and natural heritage of the region in need of preservation.
Michael Turner
UNESCO Chair in Urban Design and Conservation Studies
Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design, Jerusalem
Dr. Yaarah Bar On
Vice President, Bezalel Academy of Art and Design, Jerusalem
Art, Architecture and Design Archives - The National Art Register
Prof Zvi Efrat
Architect, Head of the department of Architecture, Bezalel Academy of Art and Design, Jerusalem
Richard Rabnett
Architect, Am-gar Project Management, Jerusalem
International Design Competition for Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design New Campus: A Digital Approach to Breaking the Participation Barrier and Promoting Cultural Diversity.
Pierluigi Feliciati and Maria Teresa Natale
MINERVA EC WP5 - Quality, Accessibility and Usability
MINERVA EC for cultural websites: from the quality principles to the Handbook on cultural websites user interaction
The presentation will show what MINERVA Project has produced until now in the field of cultural websites. More in particular, it will be introduced and commented the work in progress of the Handbook on cultural websites user interaction.
IPR – Copyrights: Update on the Current Issues Challenging Us
Chair Moderator: Amalyah Keshet
The Israel Museum, Jerusalem - Coordinator of the MINERVA Israel WG on IPR |
10:00 -11:30 |
Intro and Update on the Current Issues Challenging Us
Amalyah Keshet - session moderator
Perils of Reproduction: Transformative Use and Moral Rights
Dr Kim Treiger-Bar-Am
The Natural History Museum in London prepared a catalogue for an exhibition about dinosaurs, and reproduced a series of cartoons made by the artist Bill Tidy. In the catalogue, the cartoons were reproduced in reduced size and changed color. The artist sued for copyright infringement and violation of moral rights. Was the reproduction close enough to the original to be considered a copyright infringement? Was it changed enough so as to constitute a moral rights violation? Can it be a violation of both? Another possibility is that it was changed sufficiently as to be considered a transformative use. Does transformative use exempt a modification of an artwork from infringement of both copyright and also moral rights? Interesting questions arise when fair use and moral rights meet. Modifications to sculptures in public, outdoor exhibition spaces present further challenges under moral rights: is the museum or city responsible for the maintenance of the artwork? Israeli cases on the subject will be explored.
Dr Kim Treiger-Bar-Am is currently teaching at Bar Ilan University and the Academic College of Law in Ramat Gan, Israel. Kim recently returned to Israel from completing her doctorate at the University of Oxford. Her previous studies were at Yale (Philosophy BA ’85, JD ‘89) and Oxford (MJur ’99, DPhil ’06). She has also taught in London and Oxford, and lectured at conferences in the UK, US, Denmark, and Israel. Kim’s writing centers on copyright, moral rights, and the freedom of expression.
Beware: Shrink- Wrap & Click-Wrap Contracts
Ethel Chait Stein
MASTER OF LAW (Magna Cum Laude, Hebrew University, Jerusalem) Specializing in INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY LAW & INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES. Admitted to the Bar in Israel & New York, USA.International Business Studies, SUNY, USA.Lecturer on law topics, Volunteer at the Israel Museum, Jerusalem. Currently working in Tel Aviv, a law firm dealing with IP law since 1940.
Lital Leichtag and Netheniel Davidi
Haifa University, Haifa Center of Law & Technology, Creative Commons Israel
When it comes to the Digital Era, the known orthodox copyright does not always provide the needed certainty and freedom. Digital information is available and accessible, consequently increases the uncertainty and confusion regarding the scope of copyright protection.
The main goal of Creative Commons Organization is to help artists and other creators to share their works with others in a way that traditional copyright law does not enable. By protecting their work under Creative Commons licenses, Artists can mesh, mix and change works with a legal certainty. The permission or prohibition is clear, simple and visable.
We will explain about Creative Commons idiology and the new Israeli 2.5 licences. We will explain how using the licenses can serve the goals of both artists and institutions.
We shall describe the upcoming 'CCmixter' web site and the importence of similar tools and free databases. We will emphasize the importance of free content storage hosts and content delivery networks uses of creative commons licenses.
Plenary Session
Stitching it all up: The European Digital Library and the role of
National Libraries in the Digital Age
Chair: Dov Winer, Coordinator MINERVA Israel Network
Bernard Salome
Special Representative of the Director, Bibliotheca Alexandrina, Egypt
Keynote address
The Bibliotheca Alexandrina: its historical background, digitization activities and collaboration on European projects and frameworks.
The Bibliotheca Alexandrina, the New Library of Alexandria, is dedicated to recapture the spirit of the original. It aspires to be:
- The World’s window on Egypt;
- Egypt’s window on the world;
- A leading institution of the digital age;
- and above all - A center for learning, tolerance, dialogue and understanding.
Rossella Caffo
Coordination of Project MICHAEL and MINERVA EC
Director of the Library of Modern and Contemporary History - Rome
Ministry of Culture (MIBAC) - Italy
MICHAEL and the European Digital Library
MICHAEL aims to provide simple and quick access to the digital collections of museums, libraries and archives from different European countries. Work began in June 2004, with the focus on implementing an innovative multi-lingual open source platform that will be equipped with a search engine. By 2007, the MICHAEL platform will be capable of retrieving digital collections that are dispersed across Europe.
The services will also support cultural tourism, the creative industries and other interests. The project consortium includes members from the Czech Republic, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Malta, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Spain, Sweden and the United Kingdom with representatives from public authorities, research institutions and private companies.
Jill Cousins
Director, The European Library, The Netherlands
The European Library, how this connects with and what steps are being undertaken to get to the European Digital Library?
The European Library is a free service that offers access to the resources of the 47 national libraries of Europe. Currently The European Library gives access to 150 million entries across Europe. A national library is the library specifically established by a country to store its information database. National libraries usually host the legal deposit and the bibliographic control centre of a nation. The European Library is a central pillar of the envisioned European Digital Library.
Shmuel Har Noy
Director, The Jewish National and University Library (JNUL)
The Israel National Library – an old vision finds its best expression in the digital age
The decision to establish a National Library for the Jewish People was taken in 1897. Consolidated in 1925 and affiliated to the Hebrew University, the library is now being established as an autonomous authority. The legislation is now being completed by the Israeli Parliament which will bestow on it statutory status and the tools it will need to carry out its mission. The digitization projects in which it has been engaged over the last years, have had a strategic role in this process. The digitized treasures of the library will continue to play a critical role towards the integration of Israel not only into the international community of the Jewish People, but also within the Mediterranean and Europe communites.
13.00 -14.30 Lunch
Parallel Afternoon Sessions
Crossing boundaries, past, future and the physical
Workshop: Long-term preservation of digital records
Chair: Prof. Kenneth Preiss, Ben Gurion University |
14:30 -16:00 |
DPE – Digital Preservation Europe
DPE: http://www.digitalpreservationeurope.eu/
Planets: http://www.planets-project.eu/
CASPAR: http://www.casparpreserves.eu/
The workshop will present the work being carried out at the main European projects dealing with long term preservation and accessibility to digital records: CASPAR, PLANETS and DPE.
Proliferation of digital content has resulted in an increasingly urgent need for commercial organisations, the public sector and individual users to protect their digital resources from the risk of getting lost. To a much greater extent as this is the case with analogue materials, the rapid pace of change of electronic devices and formats for recording, storage and use represents a threat to the long-term accessibility of digital objects.
- ""CASPAR objectives. Preserving digital archives: data versus documents different aspects and constraints" [Simona Cohen, partner in CASPAR]
- "PLANETS objectives. Preservation planning: basic components and strategies" [Eleonora Nicchiarelli, PLANETS partner]
- "The long term preservation dilemmas of ISA and Israel eGov" [Ilana Ben Yaacov, the CIO of Israel State Archives]
- The long term preservation vision of JNUL [Orly Simon, IT Director of the Israel National Library]
Maurizio Lunghi
Scientific Director, Fondazione Rinascimento Digitale DPE Partner
Introduction of the EC-funded framework, policies, programmes and the cooperation among the three projects
Simona Cohen
IBM Haifa Labs http://www.haifa.il.ibm.com/ CASPAR Partner
CASPAR goals: preserving digital archives: data versus documents - different aspects and constraints
Eleonora Nicchiarelli-Bettelli, ONB, Planets Partner
PLANETS objectives: Preservation planning: basic components and strategies
Ilana Ben Yaacov, CIO, Israel State Archives (ISA)
The long term preservation dilemmas of ISA and Israel eGov program
Orly Simon, Director for IT, JNUL Israel National Library
The long term preservation vision of JNUL
MultiMatch: Multilingual / Multimedia Access to Cultural Heritage
Chair: Rosalind Duke, Deputy Director and Chief Librarian, The Jewish National and University Library
14:30 -16:00 |
Carol Peters
Jennifer Marlow
University of Sheffield, UK
User Requirements in the Cultural Heritage Domain
Johan Oomen
Sound & Vision, The Netherlands
Metadata in the Cultural Heritage Domain
Presentation and Demo
Franca Debole
Searching Cultural Heritage Information with MultiMatch: Presentation and Demo
MultiMatch – Multilingual/Multimedia Access to Cultural Heritage (Pdf)
Capturing e-culture:Metadata in MultiMatch (PPT)
On the web, cultural heritage content is everywhere, in traditional environments such as libraries, museums, galleries and audiovisual archives, but also in popular magazines and newspapers, in multiple languages and multiple media. The aim of the MultiMATCH project is to enable users to explore and interact with online accessible cultural heritage content, across media types and language boundaries.
Staking a Claim - Memory Institutions take on a [Second] Life of their own
The panel will be presented from the EVA/MINERVA 2007 Second Life Platform especially constructed for the conference 400 metres above sea level on the Kythio Island in Second Life
EVA/MINERVA 2007, Kythio (231, 89, 301) Click on link to Teleport to in-world platform
14:30 -16:00 |
Chair: Dr. Susan Hazan (RL) / Jennifer Freund (SL)
The Israel Museum, Jerusalem - Coordinator of the MINERVA Israel WG5 - User Needs and Quality Framework for Common Access Points
Virtual Starry Night - Vincent's Second Life
Fred Bos (RL) / Milan Brynner (SL)
Tressis Virtual Worlds (TVW)
This permanent exhibition not just shows the works of the Dutch painter gathered from all around the ‘real’ world, but also presents a growing number of paintings in 3-dimensional form. Hence, visitors can literally 'step into' a Van Gogh masterpiece.
By the end of June, 3 months after launch, Virtual Starry Night has become one of the the biggest art-related areas of Second Life, and a well known and highly respected project in the international cultural and educational scenes.
Aaron Collins (RL) / Xander Ruttan, Ruttan Development (SL)
Second Life resident Xander Ruttan has attracted an international group of artists and art admirers to Cetus Gallery District, an Second Life (SL) cultural site he created through his company, Ruttan Development. Cetus mimics real life urban arts communities such as those which often arise through the adaptive re-use of historical industrial areas such as New York's Chelsea, and the Pearl District in Portland, Oregon where Collins/Ruttan lived for 20 years.
In Cetus, SL residents exhibit art in galleries, coffee houses, and loft residences. The community is fostered through the collaboration of the Cetus Gallery District Association, which provides communication and marketing support for the artists and gallery owners in the district. Cetus is always abuzz with activities such as art openings, lectures, workshops, live concerts, social events, fashion shows, and community meetings.
Behind the Xander Ruttan avatar is Aaron Collins, who is networked in the U.S. art world as a co-founder of a California-based nonprofit arts organization, a freelance arts & culture writer, and former associate director of a prominent contemporary art gallery.
The Second House of Sweden
Olle Wästberg (RL) / Olle Ivory (SL)
Swedish Institute's director,
Stefan Geens (RL) / Belmeloro DiPrima (SL)
Manager of Sweden's virtual embassy in Second Life
The Second House of Sweden is the Sweden's official representation in Second Life. It is a project conceived, directed and funded by the Swedish Institute, a government agency with the mandate to “share Sweden with the world”.
The design of the building in Second Life was adapted from the real-life House of Sweden in Washington, DC, designed by the Swedish architect firm Wingårdh AB. Second House of Sweden was built by Electric Sheep Company, with design by Söderhavet.
The project was conceived in January 2007 and inaugurated in May. It exists to showcase Sweden to Second Life inhabitants, but above all it allows us to experiment with this new immersive medium, letting us discover what works and what doesn't.
Second House of Sweden houses a number of permanent exhibits, including paintings from Stockholm's Nationalmuseum, an exhibit on Linnaeus, and a reproduction of Swedish diplomat Raoul Wallenberg's office. To date, special events have included Swedish lessons, gallery talks and inauguration parties. A short film festival for Swedish films is planned.
Stockholm's Old City, Gamla Stan
Marie Rytkצlה (RL) / Kaja Lurra (SL)
Kaja is a SL terra-firma who specialising in sims (simulations) that create specific cultural ambiance. Kaja will take us to the pre-launch of Stockholm's Old City, Gamla Stan, that attracts swedes to listen to music, dance together, wander around a sim of get a massage, order pizza or beer or simply hang out together by the port and the beautiful ships moored there.
Exploratorium Island, Sploland, and Midnight City’s The ‘Splo
Rob Rothfarb (RL) / Pepto Majestic (SL)
Director of Web Development
Center for Learning and Teaching
Exploratorium, San Francisco
The Exploratorium is now creating an official presence in SL on Exploratorium Island, located adjacent to Sploland. This multi-purpose space will feature both indoor and outdoor exhibit areas, a large amphitheater for Webcast and other programs, as well as teaching spaces for different audiences. Both Sploland and Exploratorium Island are part of an archipelago of science-themed educational places called SciLands. The Exploratorium is very interested in using collaborative multi-user environments such as SL to further engage its audiences and to extend more of its programming and educational resources into highly interactive, networked places.
See description of the project
Round Table discussion for RL and SL participants - Persistant Worlds; will they ever go away?
Now that Second Life has hit the front page of Newsweek it seems Neal Stephenson's vision of the Metaverse has crossed over - from being a fringe fantasy land for pure escapists to a persistent world for play, commerce, creativity and exploration - its time to take a close look at this synthetic world. Presented by three leading avatars directly from Second Life, this panel will showcase some of the leading cultural insitutions from their 3D graphic locations, and will explore how they welcome visitors, guests and colleagues in-world.
16.00 -17.30
Professional Networking Session
The call for presentations for the Professional Networking Sessions is open. Visit the call page and register.
Do not forget to invite your colleagues who are working in areas related to the digitization of science and cultural heritage. This is your opportunity to present your work at the conference – the perfect moment to introduce your work and be able to discuss it with your colleagues.
The call for presentations at the Conference Networking Sessions is open. Visit the call page and register. Do not forget to invite your colleagues who are working in areas related to the digitization of science and cultural heritage. This is your opportunity to present your work at the conference – the perfect moment to introduce your work and be able to discuss it with your colleagues.
To download and save (right click) the Hebrew registration form (Word Doc or PDF) International Registration
To download and save (right click) the English registration form (Word Doc or PDF)
Send in your registration by email attachment to evaminerva07@gmail.com or by fax (the PDF page) to: 02-5333269
If you have any questions about the conference, or seek further information about the Digital Heritage, Israel contact
Dov Winer and Dr. Susan Hazan
Conference Co-Chairs
The Jerusalem 2007 Conference on the Digitisation of Cultural Heritage
Digital Heritage, Israel